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Open Beit Midrash Scholar Limmud, February 25th, 2025

Open Beit Midrash Scholar Limmud with Rabbanit Dr. Liz Shayne
"Judaism and Differently Wired Brains: An Introduction to Neurodivergent Torah"

Rabbanit Dr. Liz Shayne

Director of Academic Affairs at Yeshivat Maharat

Tuesday, February 25th 7:30pm Dinner; 8:00pm Class

What does it mean to be both Jewish and neurodivergent? In this upcoming lecture-discussion, Rabbanit Dr. Liz Shayne will explore this nexus of her two identities as Rabbi and neurodivergent person, both new to her in 2021. Students are invited to join in this combination of a lecture and discussion where she will share about this journey and its parallels with the Purim story, specifically  what Esther, our enigmatic heroine, can teach us about being ourselves in all sorts of complicated situations.

Rabbinit Dr. Liz Shayne’s lecture is sponsored by Beth El's Keruv Committee and funded by The Robert Matthew Klein Fund for Inclusion and Special Needs. To donate to The Robert Matthew Klein Fund for Inclusion and Special Needs, please do so at bethelnr.org/donate.

Light Dinner is sponsored by Elise & Barry Richman, in memory of their parents Lida & Harold Keltz z"l.

The Open Beit Midrash Scholar Series is underwritten by the Yvette and Herman Gordon Century Fund for Adult Teaching and Learning. 

To sponsor a future scholar series event in memory of a loved one or in honor of someone, click here.

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785